Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Wanna Meet God

Nathan was measuring our roof, while all the kids were outside playing. They were so curious and of course, the boys wanted to join Daddy on the roof. Not gonna happen! I told them that it was dangerous and they couldn't get on the roof, only daddy's were allowed up there. Dylan insisted that he wanted to go on the roof. I explained to him that he could fall off the roof and get hurt. He asked if he could die, and I said "Yes, you could die if you fell of the roof. It is so high." Dylan did not react at all how I expected. He said, "I wanna die, because then I can go to heaven and meet God." I said that would make me so sad and didn't he wouldn't get to be with us anymore. He said, "But I'll see you when you die."

So Dylan wants to go to heaven and meet God, sweet thing....but he's not allowed to go for atleast 90 years!!! Mommy's rule.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Macy Turns 5

She's been a part of our home for 3 years now, a part of our lives for 5. Macy came here a chubby little 2 year old, still in diapers, and learning to talk. Now she prances around the house singing all the time. She loves barbie dolls, and play food. She is a sweet little girl with so much energy, she is so loving and we are so blessed by her.

For her birthday she wanted me to make her a mermaid cake, so that's what I did. She was very excited about it, and was so excited to blow out her candles that she did so before we finished singing to we relit them and tried again, had to get a picture you know ;) Macy is known for a lot of things, patience is not one of them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Book worm

Garrett is amazing!!! He has now read 800 books, just since August. His teacher is amazed and calls him a book worm, which he loves. He has gotten to go to the movies with her twice because of all his reading and had an ice cream party and a game day. He was also chosen for a very special surprise during a tin caps game, but I will have to tell you all about that in May :)